Security and privacy statement

1. Data controller and data protection officer
Matrix Real Estate d.o.o. ("we" or "us") values ​​your privacy and undertakes to protect it during and after your visit to our website, the mobile site connected to it and any microsite (which may be administered on behalf of Matrix Real Estate d.o.o. to mediate in real estate transactions from a third party that usually acts as a processor) which can be accessed via this page (hereinafter referred to as the "Site", collectively the "Pages"). In this sense, Matrix Real Estate d.o.o. acts as a processing manager ("Processing Manager") for mediation in real estate transactions. This privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") provides insight into our practices regarding the collection of information through the Site and our use of information. This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected through the Sites and does not apply to information collected through any other source, including, without limitation, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other third-party websites and social media. If you do not agree to any term in this Privacy Policy, please do not use the Site(s) or provide us with any personal information.
Matrix Real Estate d.o.o. has appointed a data protection officer for mediation in real estate transactions who can be contacted at the following e-mail address:

2. Types of data processed
Through the Site, we collect and store certain personal data about you (e.g. information that can directly or indirectly identify you, in particular by means of identifiers such as name, personal identification number, location data, online identifier or one or more factors specific to physical , physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity ("Personal Data")). In certain cases, we may ask you to provide us with Personal Information, such as when you use an order form and the services we offer, make comments or ask questions, request information, participate in a promotion, contest or sweepstakes, or use other features or functions of our Site.
Matrix Real Estate d.o.o. for mediation in real estate transactions will not collect Personal Data during your visits to our Sites if you do not provide them to us voluntarily, except for certain items of Personal Data collected through information systems and programs used for the operation of the website, the transmission of which is inherent in the use of Internet communication protocols ( eg IP addresses) and will not require more information than is necessary to participate in activities on our Sites. If you do not wish to provide us with Personal Information (other than Personal Information related to the use of Internet communication protocols that is typically collected when you visit the Website) you may still access our Sites, but you will not be able to participate in certain promotions, create login credentials to use certain functions on the Pages, activate or use a service, complete an order or get information about a product.
Certain pages on the Sites may allow you to create login credentials by entering your username/ID or email address and password and other information or using one of the available authentication methods through social networks such as Facebook, Google+ and Yahoo. If you choose to create login credentials through your account using one of the available social network authentication tools, you allow us to access your Personal Information that is publicly available or that you have made publicly available (eg, name, user ID, profile picture), and information that you "Allow" the Site to access. Therefore, by authenticating through one of the social network options, you allow us to receive your information that is available. We recommend that you review the relevant third-party privacy policies and any terms and conditions for the authentication method you choose to use.
Moreover, when you connect to the Site, there is certain Personal Data (eg, IP address, purchase preferences, profiling features) that may include identifiers that may enable us to deliver customized ads to your device, along with technical, non-personal data that cannot by themselves identify any individual ("Non-Personal Data", eg Internet browser type") that may be collected and stored using "cookies" and other tracking technologies. In addition, other parties, such as advertising partners and analytics providers, may, with your informed consent, collect information about your online activity over a period of time and through the Sites. This information helps us to update the Site so that it remains interesting to our visitors and contains content tailored to the interests of visitors. If you disable cookies, we may not be able to optimize your visit to the Site and some features may not be available on the Site.

3. Purposes, legal basis of processing and possible consequences of not providing Personal Data
When you provide your Personal Information on the Site, we will limit the use of the Personal Information to the purpose for which it was collected in accordance with the terms of this privacy policy. The use of your Personal Data includes:
A. Take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract (eg, respond to your questions and comments; fulfill your requests, communicate with you about your activities on the Site);
B. To perform a contract to which you are a party (eg, to provide you with access to certain areas and features of the Site; to fulfill your order in connection with a purchase or commercial services offered on the Site, to provide customer services);
C. Investigate suspected fraud, harassment, physical threats, or other violations of any law, rule or regulation, Site rules, or third-party rights; or investigate any suspicious behavior that we consider inappropriate;
D. Compliance with the legal obligation to which Matrix Real Estate d.o.o. for mediation in real estate transactions is subject (eg for disclosures prescribed by law, regulation or court order);
E. For the purposes of or in connection with legal proceedings, the establishment, defense or exercise of legal rights;
F. Sending advertisements or direct sales materials or conducting market research, conducting data analytics or delivering commercial communications via electronic tools (SMS, e-mail, social network), whether automated (calls without an operator) or not (snail mail and calls with an operator), in accordance with the relevant legal grounds;
G. Providing your Personal Data to selected advertising partners for their marketing purposes in accordance with the appropriate legal basis.
Providing Personal Data for the purposes described in points F and G is also voluntary; not providing such Personal Data or objecting to relevant data processing on appropriate grounds related to your specific situation may prevent Matrix Real Estate d.o.o. for real estate brokerage to send advertising or direct sales materials or to conduct market research, data analytics or deliver commercial communications and/or to provide your Personal Data to selected advertising partners for their marketing purposes. We may still contact you for administrative purposes such as confirming an order or requesting your further requests.

4. Recipients
Your personal data may be disclosed, in close connection with the above-mentioned purposes, only:
  • to entities necessary to fulfill orders, deliver packages, send mail and e-mail, remove repetitive information from customer lists, analyze data and provide marketing support, process credit card payments and provide customer services, which typically process Personal Data on behalf of Matrix Real Estate d.o.o. for mediation in real estate transactions as processors;
  • to persons authorized by Matrix Real Estate d.o.o. for mediation in real estate transactions for the processing of Personal Data, which are subject to the appropriate legal obligation of confidentiality (employees of Matrix Real Estate d.o.o. for mediation in real estate transactions);
  • to law enforcement services and public authorities when required by applicable law or in good faith (e.g. to comply with the provisions of the law or to comply with the legal procedures provided on Matrix Real Estate d.o.o. for mediation in real estate transactions; to protect and defend the rights or property of Matrix Real Estate d.o.o. for real estate brokerage and this Site or to act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of Matrix Real Estate d.o.o. for real estate brokerage, its Sites or the public);
  • to business partners for their needs only in accordance with appropriate legal grounds.

5. Transfer of Personal Data to third countries
Matrix Real Estate d.o.o. for mediation in real estate transactions reserves the right to transfer personal data to third parties, respecting the principle of an appropriate level of legal protection for the rights and freedoms of users.
Transfer of personal data is carried out only if at least one of the following conditions is met:
  • The transfer is necessary for the performance of contractual obligations/services;
  • The transfer is necessary for the implementation of pre-contractual measures taken in response to the client's request;
  • The transfer is necessary for concluding or executing a contract concluded with a third party in the interest of the client;
  • The transfer is legally required based on important public interests;
  • The transfer is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims;
  • The transfer is necessary to protect the vital interests of the user.

6. Retention
Matrix Real Estate d.o.o. for real estate brokerage will process your Personal Data only for the time necessary to achieve the purposes described in section 2. With regard to the purposes described in sections 2.F and 2.G, your Personal Data will be processed until you exercise your right to object or restrict processing. In addition to the above, Matrix Real Estate d.o.o.for real estate brokerage will keep your Personal Data for the time necessary or permitted in accordance with the applicable data protection law.

7. Your rights
Matrix Real Estate d.o.o. for real estate brokerage informs you that, in accordance with and to the extent permitted by applicable law, you have the right to request from Matrix Real Estate d.o.o. for mediation in real estate transactions, access and correction or deletion of Personal Data or restrictions on processing related to your Personal Data, or object to the relevant processing activity, and submit a complaint to the competent supervisory authority. You also have the right to know the recipients or categories of recipients to whom your Personal Data has been or will be disclosed, in particular to recipients in third countries.

8. Links to other sites
The page may contain links to other websites that are not owned, managed or maintained by Matrix Real Estate d.o.o. for mediation in real estate transactions. When you leave the Site, you should note and read the terms and privacy policies of each website you visit. You should also independently evaluate the authenticity of any website that appears or claims to be one of our Sites (including those linked by email). Despite any links that may exist on the Site, unless otherwise stated, we do not control, recommend or endorse, and are not affiliated with, these websites or their content, products, services or privacy policies. Downloading material from certain websites may result in infringement of intellectual property rights or the introduction of viruses into your computer system.

9. Protection of children's privacy
Matrix Real Estate d.o.o. for real estate brokerage takes the protection of children's privacy seriously. We operate the Site in compliance with all applicable laws in the jurisdiction listed below. We do not collect Personal Information from any person under the age of sixteen (16) or, if permitted by applicable law, under the age of thirteen (13). Children under the age of sixteen (16) or, if permitted by applicable law, under the age of thirteen (13), should have the consent of a parent/guardian before providing any Personal Information to the Site. If we determine that the user is under this age, we will not use or retain his/her Personal Data without the consent of his/her parent/guardian. Without such consent, the child may not be able to participate in certain activities. A parent/guardian may review, remove, amend or refuse further collection or use of their child's Personal Information by contacting us using one of the options listed in the "Managing Your Personal Information" section (please include your child's name, address and email address).

10. Security Practices
The security of your Personal Data is extremely important to us. We have put in place appropriate physical, electronic and managerial procedures to protect the information we collect. However, due to the inherent open nature of the Internet, we cannot guarantee that communications between you and us or information stored on the Site or on our servers will be completely secure from unauthorized access by third parties, such as hackers. Your use of the Site indicates your acceptance of this risk. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim all liability for any damages (including but not limited to any and all direct, special, indirect, consequential or punitive damages or other damages of any kind, whether contractual (including tort), non-contractual (including negligence) or otherwise) that you may suffer as a result of any loss, unauthorized access, misuse or alteration of any information you submit to the Site.

11. Governing Law/Jurisdiction
For all issues related to the Site and/or these Privacy Rules, the law of the Republic of Croatia (jurisdiction applicable to Matrix Real Estate d.o.o. for mediation in real estate transactions) is applicable, without reference to international principles of private law. You agree that the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of any legal proceedings related to the Site and/or these Privacy Rules shall be in the appropriate courts located in the Republic of Croatia. We do not guarantee or imply that the Pages or the content/materials on the Pages are suitable for use outside the Republic of Croatia. Information provided on the Sites relating to any products or services is applicable only in the Republic of Croatia, and those products and services may not be available in all locations. If you are located outside the Republic of Croatia, you are solely responsible for compliance with all applicable local laws.

12. Transfer of property
In the course of our business, we may sell or buy property. If another entity acquires Matrix Real Estate d.o.o. for real estate brokerage or all or nearly all of our assets, Personal Information and Non-Personal Information that we have collected about users of the Site, may be transferred to such person. Also, if any bankruptcy or reorganization proceedings are initiated against us, such data may be considered our property and may be sold or transferred to third parties.

13. Salvator clause
If any provision of this Privacy Policy is held or held invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason by any law or public policy, such provision shall not apply to the extent it is invalid or unenforceable, and the other provisions shall continue to apply with full legal effect.

14. Changes and updates to our Privacy Policy
Matrix Real Estate d.o.o. for real estate brokerage reserves the right to change or update these Privacy Policy at any time and without prior notice. Please check from time to time for any changes or updates to our Privacy Policy, which will be posted here and will show the updated effective date on the first page of the Privacy Policy if any changes or updates are made.

15. Contact information
If you have any questions or comments regarding the Pages or this Privacy Policy, you can contact us at Matrix Real Estate d.o.o. for mediation in real estate transactions, Žbandaj 34A, 52440 Poreč, +385 959057531, or at the following e-mail address: